49 reviews
30+ y.o.
8 UK
Top Escort
Regent's Park
36C Enhanced

Tate 1 hour

by SatisfiedDude

5 out of 5

Tate is as beautiful at heart as she is in body.

If you think someone cannot be as beautiful as she is in her pics you are wrong, because she is even more beautiful, she is magnificient.

Tate has a face of an angel and body of a Goddess.

She is wonderful to talk to, very good company, made me feel like a close friend in an hour.

She is geniune, orderly legitimate and she is good at what she does.

BUT there is just one problem, you cannot have her just once, because if you have her once you would want to have her all the time you would want to meet her visit her.

She is a woman capable of giving men sleepless nights.

You have got to try her!